Breast anatomy
- Question
- Answer
- The non-lactating breast is [...]% fat.
- The medial border of the breast doesn't usually extend beyond the lateral border of the [...].
- What are the 2 muscles that the breast lies upon?
- How is the breast separated from the pectoralis major muscle?
- How is the retromammary fascia visible on a mammogram?
- How common are supernumary nipples or supernumerary breasts?
- Where in the body can supernumary nipples or supernumary breast develop?
- Where does the milk line run from and to?
- What are the 5 areas of the breast?
- In which quadrant of the breast does the greatest amount of glandular tissue lie?
- In which quadrant of the breast is the axillary tail (of Spence) found?
- The axillary tail of the breast pierces the deep fascia of the [...] muscle and passes through an opening in deep fascia called the [...] to reach the axilla.
- What is the pigmented region of the nipple called?
- What is the central raised bud of the nipple called?
- What is the importance of Montgomery's glands in the papilla of the nipple?
- What percentage of women have congenitally-inverted nipples?
- Connective tissue septa divide the breast into [...] lobes.
- What happens to the alveolar glands during pregnancy and after weaning?
- At what point during pregnancy do the alveolar glands of the breast begin to hypertrophy?
- Breast lobules secrete into [...] ducts which converge to form [...] ducts.
- Each of the 15-20 [...] ducts which drain a single lobe in the breast drain into a [...] sinus before terminating separately in the nipple.
- How many lactiferous ducts can be found in a breast?
- What can retraction of the nipple signify in terms of malignancy?
- The breast is supplied by the [...] and [...] cutaneous branches of the [...] to [...] intercostal nerves.
- What spinal nerves do the pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibres of the breast arise from?
- Which nerves supply the breast with both somatosensory and sympathetic innervation?
- What is the blood supply to the medial half of the breast?
- What is the blood supply to the lateral part of the breast?
- During breast surgery, where should incisions be made in order to preserve blood supply?
- Does the venous drainage of the breast match the arterial supply?
- What are the two main veins that are important in drainage of the breast?
- Why are the posterior intercostal veins important in allowing the spread of breast cancer?
- Why is the vertebral venous plexus of Batson important in allowing breast cancer to spread easily to the brain or abdomen?
- What are the three most common sites of metastases from breast cancer?
- As a general rule, cancer may spread by 3 means. What are they?
- What do the lymph vessels which drain the breast run alongside? (2)
- What are the names of the lymph nodes which drain the breasts? (2)
- What are the most common sites for lymph node metastases in breast cancer? (2)
- The axillary lymph nodes receive more than [...]% of the lymph of the breast.
- Lymph from the [...] quadrants of the breast drains into the [...] lymph nodes.
- Lymph from the [...] quadrants can cross to the opposite breast, thus secondary metastases of breast carcinoma can spread.
- What is mastitis?
- How does a breast carcinoma feel?
- What percentage of carcinomas of the breast originate in the ductal epithelium?
- What percentage of carcinomas of the breast originate in the glandular epithelium?
- Why does oedema of the breast occur in advanced breast cancer?
- Why could bleeding from the nipple occur in breast cancer?
- The connective tissue of the septa in the breast is a dense irregular connective tissue rich in [...] and [...] fibres.
- If the mammary gland is inactive the glandular component is sparse, and the [...] tissue and dense [...] tissue will make up the bulk of the gland.
- Acini in the breast are lined by a [...] epithelium.
- The acini of the breast are surrounded by a [...] connective tissue.
- The smallest ducts of the breast are lined by a simple [...] epithelium and surrounded by loose connective tissue.
- The interlobar/alveolar ducts of the breast are lined by a double layer of [...] cells.
- The lactiferous ducts and the ampulla of the breast are lined by a [...] epithelium.