Adrenal cortex physiology
- Question
- Answer
- Cortisol is a [...]corticoid.
- Cortisol [...]creases blood glucose levels.
- Cortisol [...]creases gluconeogenesis.
- Cortisol [...]creases the use of fatty acids for energy.
- Cortisol moderately [...]creases the use of glucose for energy.
- Cortisol [...]creases the degradation of non-hepatic proteins.
- Cortisol [...]creases the synthesis of hepatic proteins.
- Steroid hormone receptors are [...]tracellular.
- What are the 3 zones of the adrenal cortex?
- The zona [...] of the adrenal cortex controls salt and water balance.
- The zona [...] of the adrenal cortex regulates carbohydrate levels.
- The adrenal gland is composed of an outer [...] and an inner [...].
- What is the main hormone secreted in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland?
- Aldosterone is secreted in the zona [...] of the adrenal gland.
- What is the main hormone secreted in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal gland?
- Cortisol is secreted in the zona [...] of the adrenal gland.
- The adrenal medulla receives a [...]ergic [...]ganglionic [...]pathetic input.
- When are levels of plasma cortisol the highest?
- When are levels of plasma cortisol the lowest?
- Hydrocortisone is another name for the hormone [...].
- Cortisol is also called [...].
- Cortisol [...]-regulates the release of ACTH from the anterior pituitary.
- Cortisol [...]-regulates the release of CRH from the hypothalamus.
- Which 2 stimuli up-regulate the release of CRH from the hypothalamus and thus the release of cortisol?
- [...] is the precursor of all steroid hormones.
- In the adrenal gland, which 2° messenger is activated by ACTH to stimulate the production of cortisol?
- In the adrenal gland, which enzyme liberates cholesterol from lipid droplets in order to allow cortisol synthesis?
- Are cortisol and aldosterone free or bound to proteins in plasma?
- Which 2 plasma proteins bind cortisol and aldosterone?
- When steroids have entered the cell and bound to a cytoplasmic receptor, [...] dissociates from the receptor.
- Steroid hormone-receptor complexes are translocated to the nucleus as [...]mers.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease glucose uptake into the cell.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease gluconeogenesis.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease protein synthesis.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease protein breakdown.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease osteoblast activity.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease osteoclast activity.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease COX-2 expression.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease cytokine production.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease complement in plasma.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease nitric oxide production.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease histamine release.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease IgG production.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease PLA2 activity.
- Does cortisol or aldosterone have a greater affinity for the mineralocorticoid receptor?
- Which enzyme converts cortisol into cortisone?
- The enzyme 11βHSD converts [...] into [...].
- Does cortisol activate the mineralocorticoid receptor?
- Does cortisone activate the mineralocorticoid receptor?
- Does aldosterone activate the mineralocorticoid receptor?
- Which enzyme is expressed in aldosterone-sensitive tissue to prevent cortisol from activating the mineralocorticoid receptor?
- Why is the enzyme 11βHSD expressed in aldosterone-sensitive tissues?
- What is the embryological origin of the adrenal cortex?
- Cortisol [...]-regulates the expression of α1 receptors on blood vessels.
- Cortisol up-regulates the expression of [...] receptors on blood vessels.
- Cortisol [...]creases bone formation.
- Cortisol [...]-regulates the production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins.
- What effect does cortisol have on leukocyte adhesion?
- What effect does cortisol have on histamine release from mast cells?
- What effect does cortisol have on eosinophil survival?
- What effect does cortisol have on IL-2 production?
- What effect does cortisol have on lipolysis?