Determining sex
- Question
- Answer
- Which sex chromosomes can ova carry?
- Which sex chromosomes can sperm carry?
- Does the oocyte or the spermatozoon determine the sex of the foetus?
- In development, is male or female the default pathway?
- Which hormone is necessary for the development of a male?
- In the female, the primordial gonad will form the [...].
- In the male, the primordial gonad will form the [...].
- The female tract develops from the [...] duct.
- The male tract develops from the [...] duct.
- The common primordium for the external genitalia is the [...].
- What determines the genetic sex?
- [...] syndrome occurs when a person has XXY sex chromosomes.
- Which sex chromosomes are present in Klinefelter syndrome?
- [...] syndrome occurs when a person has XO sex chromosomes.
- Which sex chromosomes are present in Turner syndrome?
- Which gene on the Y chromosome acts as a swich for male determination in development?
- The sry gene is found on the [...] chromosome.
- The [...] hormone secreted by the testes causes the Mullerian ducts to regress during development.
- Which 2 hormones direct the development of male external genitalia?
- A person with androgen insensitivity and XY sex chromosomes will present as a phenotypic [...].
- Does a person with androgen insensitivity and XY sex chromosomes have a uterus?
- The [...] is the male gamete.
- The [...] is the female gamete.
- The Wolffian ducts are also called the [...] ducts.
- The mesonephric ducts are also called the [...] ducts.
- The Mullerian ducts are also called the [...] ducts.
- The paramesonephric ducts are also called the [...] ducts.
- In the female embryo, is the regression of the Wolffian ducts spontaneous or hormone-driven?
- In the male embryo, is the regression of the Mullerian ducts spontaneous or hormone-driven?
- In the female embryo, is the development of the Mullerian ducts spontaneous or hormone-driven?
- In the male embryo, is the development of the Wolffian ducts spontaneous or hormone-driven?
- In the male embryo, which hormones stimulate the development of the Wolffian ducts?
- During female genital development, the [...] duct degenerates and the [...] duct develops.
- During [male/female] genital development, the mesonephric duct degenerates and the paramesonephric duct develops.
- During male development, the [...] duct develops and the [...] duct degenerates.
- During [male/female genital] development, the mesonephric duct develops and the paramesonephric duct degenerates.
- The sry gene acts as a switch for the development of the [...].
- The embryonic [...] gives rise to the seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, and ductus deferens.
- The embryonic Wolffian duct gives rise to the [...], [...], [...], and [...].
- The embryonic [...] gives rise to the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the upper portion of the vagina.
- The embryonic Mullerian duct gives rise to the [...], the [...], and the [...].
- The upper portion of the vagina arises from the [...] while the lower portion arises from the [...].
- The [upper/lower] portion of the vagina arises from the Mullerian duct while the [upper/lower] portion arises from the urogenital sinus.