Personality disorders
- Question
- Answer
- A [...] is said to exist when an individual has personality traits that are persistently maladaptive and which cause significant distress and functional impairment.
- People with cluster [...] personality disorders are odd or eccentric.
- People with cluster [...] personality disorder are dramatic, emotional, or erratic.
- People with cluster [...] personality disorders are anxious or fearful.
- What are the 3 cluster A personality disorders?
- What are the 4 cluster B personality disorders?
- What are the 3 cluster C personality disorders?
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient suspects others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him; has doubts about his partner's fidelity; bears grudges; has a tenacious sense of personal rights; is litigious.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient is emotionally cold; neither enjoys nor desires close relationships; prefers solitude; takes pleasure in few activities; is indifferent to praise and criticism.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient has eccentric behaviour; has odd beliefs; has unusual perceptual experiences; displays vague thinking; is socially isolated.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient has unstable, intense, emotional relationships; has an unstable self-image; is impulsive; feels empty; self-harms and attempts suicide; has fluctuating moods; frantically avoids abandonment.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient repeatedly behaves unlawfully, aggressively, or recklessly; lies; is incapable of guilt.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient displays dramatic, exaggerated emotions; seeks attention; has labile and shallow emotions; seeks to seduce others.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient has a grandiose sense of self-importance and a need for admiration.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient has an excessive need to be cared for; is submissive and clingy; needs others to assume responsibility for major life areas; fears separation.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient is hypersensitive to criticism and rejections; is inhibited in social situations; fears being inadequate.
- In [...] personality disorder, the patient is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control; is devoted to work at the expense of leisure; is pedantic, rigid, and stubborn; is overly cautious.