Nerve fibres and terminals
- Question
- Answer
- Which type of nerve fibre is involved in light touch, pressure, and vibration?
- What is the axon diameter of Aβ nerve fibres?
- What is the conduction velocity of Aβ nerve fibres?
- Which type of nerve fibre is involved in heat, cold, and nociception?
- What is the axon diameter of Aδ nerve fibres?
- What is the conduction velocity of Aδ nerve fibres?
- Which type of nerve fibre is involved in heat, cold, nociception, and itch?
- What is the axon diameter of C nerve fibres?
- What is the conduction velocity of C nerve fibres?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting light pressure and texture?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting warmth, cold, itch, and pain?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting light touch?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting movement?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting vibration?
- Which type of nerve terminal is involved in detecting skin stretch?