Results and stats for "Sertoli or Leydig?"
Choose whether the following statements apply to Sertoli cells or Leydig cells.
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- Average score: 13.8
- Total plays: 72
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Most correctly guessed answers
- Endocytose waste from spermatogenesis
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 93.1%
- Provide mechanical support to developing sperm cells
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 91.7%
- Produce testosterone
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 88.9%
- Found in interstitium between seminiferous tubules
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 88.9%
- Form the blood-testicular barrier
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 87.5%
- Stimulated by LH
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 86.1%
- Secrete nutritive proteins for spermatogenesis
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 86.1%
- Stimulated by FSH
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 83.3%
- Secrete testicular fluid
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 83.3%
- Form clusters
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 80.6%
- Secrete growth factors for spermatogenesis
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 80.6%
- Contain lots of cholesterol droplets
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 79.2%
- Found around lumen of seminiferous tubule
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 76.4%
- Part of germinal epithelium
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 76.4%
- Secrete inhibin
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 76.4%
- Polyhedral in shape
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 68.1%
- Secrete anti-Mullerian hormone in embryonic development
- Leydig, Sertoli
- 54.2%