Hand muscles (attachments)
- Question
- Answer
- What are the proximal attachments of opponens pollicis(3)?
- What are the proximal attachments of abductor pollicis brevis(3)?
- What are the proximal attachments of flexor pollicis brevis(3)?
- What are the proximal attachments of adductor pollicis (3)?
- What is the proximal attachment of abductor digiti minimi?
- What are the proximal attachments of flexor digiti minimi brevis (2)?
- What are the proximal attachments of opponens digiti minimi (2)?
- What is the proximal attachment of lumbricals 1 and 2?
- What is the proximal attachment of lumbricals 3 and 4?
- What is the proximal attachment of dorsal interossei 1-4?
- What is the proximal attachment of palmar interossei 1-3?
- What is the distal attachment of opponens pollicis?
- What is the distal attachment of abductor pollicis brevis?
- What is the distal attachment of flexor pollicis brevis?
- What is the distal attachment of adductor pollicis?
- What is the distal attachment of abductor digiti minimi?
- What is the distal attachment of flexor digiti minimi brevis?
- What is the distal attachment of opponens digiti minimi?
- What is the distal attachment of lumbricals 1 and 2?
- What is the distal attachment of lumbricals 3 and 4?
- What are the distal attachments of dorsal interossei 1-4 (2)?
- What are the distal attachment of palmar interossei 1-3 (2)?
Source / copyright information
- amzn.to/PLcBzN