Calcium homeostasis: hormones
Answer the questions in your head, click "Show answer", and mark yourself.
- Question
- Answer
- Which population is most at risk of vitamin D intoxication?
- Which 2° messenger is involved in inhibiting osteoblast collagen synthesis in response to PTH?
- PTH inhibits [...] synthesis in osteoblasts.
- What effect does PTH have on collagen synthesis in osteoblasts?
- PTH [...]creases renal phosphate reabsorption.
- Which 2° messenger is involved in the activation of PTH secretion in response to low Ca2+ levels?
- PTH is released into the blood in response to low plasma levels of which ion?
- Which enzyme needed for vitamin D activation does PTH activate?
- PTH [...]crease plasma Ca2+ levels.
- Vitamin D receptors are found on osteo[...]asts.
- Which disease does vitamin D deficiency cause in children?
- Which part of the cell does vitamin D act on to stimulate Ca2+ absorption?
- Which 2° messenger is involved in the inhibition of osteoclast activity in response to calcitonin?
- Vitamin D [...]creases the reasorption of phosphate in the kidney.
- Vitamin D is [...]ed once in the liver and again in the kidney to activate it.
- Vitamin D is synthesized upon exposure to [...].
- Hypoparathyroidism due to receptor malfunction is called [...].
- Vitamin D promotes the synthesis of which protein family?
- There are vitamin D receptors on osteo[...]asts.
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease Ca2+ excretion.
- PTH increases renal Ca2+ [...]tion.
- Which hormone is released from the parathyroid gland in response to low plasma Ca2+ levels?
- Vitamin D [...]creases Ca2+ plasma levels.
- Calcitonin [...]creases plasma phosphate levels.
- Are there vitamin D receptors on osteoclasts?
- What are the symptoms of vitamin D intoxication (2)?
- Hypoparathyroidism leads to [...]calcaemia.
- Which 2° messenger is involved in the inhibition of PTH secretion in response to low Ca2+ levels?
- Calcitonin [...]creases osteoclast activity.
- Where in the body is vitamin D synthesized in its inactive form?
- 1-alpha-hydroxylase is needed to activate vitamin [...].
- How does PTH binding to osteoblasts affect osteoclast activity?
- Glucocorticoids [...]crease Ca2+ absorption.
- Hypoparathyroidism due to mutant PTH is called [...].
- Why is vitamin D not an essential vitamin?
- PTH [...]creases phosphate plasma levels.
- There are PTH receptors on osteo[...]asts.
- Do vegan diets contain vitamin D?
- What 3 groups are most at risk of vitamin D deficiency in the UK?
- What effect does oestrogen deficiency have on bone?
- Calcitonin [...]creases plasma Ca2+ levels.
- What does a person's dietary requirement of vitamin D depend on?
- Can Ca2+ levels be effectively controlled in the absence of calcitonin?
- PTH [...]creases Ca2+ and phosphate uptake from the gut.
- Are there PTH receptors on osteoclasts?
- Are there vitamin D receptors on osteoblasts?
- Calcitonin is secreted when plasma Ca2+ levels are [...].
- What effect does PTH have on the reabsorbtion of (PO4)2-?
- Vitamin D [...]creases phosphate plasma levels.
- Thyroid hormone [...]crease bone resorption.
- Vitamin D [...]creases the reabsorption of Ca2+ in the kidney.
- In which 2 organs is vitamin D hydroxylated to activate it?
- Hyperparathyroidism leads to [...]calcaemia.
- Calcitonin is secreted by the [...] or [...] cells of the thyroid.
- Which disease does vitamin D deficiency cause in adults?
- Are there PTH receptors on osteoblasts?
- Through which mechanism does vitamin D promote transcription?
Source / copyright information
- en.wikipedia.org/ ... ?title=File:Bertazzo_S_-_SEM_deproteined_bone_-_wistar_rat_-_x10k.tif&page=1